How to choose Craft Paper for Scrapbooks
Now that you have your pen, glue, protectors, etc, you will need to choose paper for your scrapbook. Craft paper with seals of approval is ideal when creating scrapbooks. Craft paper includes the CK OK products. Paper designed for photocopying, journals, or albums are the choice papers. The paper that most crafters use is the pH that does not go over 8.0. The ideal level is 6.5 and/or 7.5. Un-buffered paper is the choice for many crafters, yet some recommend buffer paper with alkaline base. Paper should have an acid-base; therefore look for the lignin-free products. Paper without dyes, and are colorfast are choice products also. P.A.T. approved paper is the Photo Activity Test products, which is ideal for scrapbooks. The paper outlined is ideal for photos. If you intend to add extras, consider pH levels no higher than 7.5 also. Buffer paper should have a very low content of zinc, magnesium, and calcium carbonates. Use the lignin-free and colorfast papers that do not dye as well. Paper includes the basic of decorative designs. Pattern is a type of paper that has designs that replicate throughout the page. You can find conservative bold, tasteful designs, funky stuff, and so on. You can also purchase matching stickers to setoff your scrapbook. When you create pattern scrapbooks...
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Paper Quilling 101 Essential Basics To Getting Started
Paper quilling is a form of art or craft born out of creating decorative designs using thin strips of curled paper. This age-old quilling craft has emerged since the Renaissance time, and dated back to about 3 centuries old. It was during the time when all the nuns used small edges trimmed from the Bible pages. From there, those pieces were used to create simple but beautiful form of artistry. This craft was known as “Quilling” due to how the scrapped of paper were wrapped around goose quills to create “coiled shapes”. Getting into paper quilling craft was not expensive as most of the time you will only need few inexpensive basic materials, which you can buy at most art and craft stores. Because of this, paper quilling has created much interest in family and friends especially home makers into creating endless opportunities around this paper craft. They are some enthusiasts who are totally involved in the craft, making their own sets of designs and ornaments, and even making it big by having inventories large enough to enter into local arts and crafts show. With hard work and perseverance, anyone can be assured that the opportunities opened up by this unusual and highly flexible medium are endless. Christmas ornaments made through paper quilling are quite common and...
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