Scrapbook Layouts – Putting Together The Perfect Page
Designing scrapbook layouts plays a key role in the appearance of your pages and it’s worth spending some time organizing your layouts before you start. How you choose to layout your photos on a page is entirely up to you. You can use your imagination and be as creative as you like. But if you’re stuck for inspiration, there are loads of free scrapbooking ideas to be found online. There are also loads of products designed to make creating your pages quicker and simpler, including pre-packaged scrapbook kits and digital scrapbooking software. There are loads of scrapbooking layout ideas for you to try out. Give some thought to how many photos you want on each page. Do you want one central picture as a focal point, or several photos on each page? Many scrapbookers like to crop their photographs to highlight the main details and so they can use lots of smaller pictures together. It helps to keep your page layouts simple and consistent. For example, try using just two or three colors of paper and stick to using the same style of frames and borders throughout. Journaling can help add to the story the photos tell, so remember to leave space to insert your notes or any scrapbooking quotes you’d like to use. Using a themed scrapbooking kit can be a convenient...
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How To Scrapbook For More Than One Child
Scrapbooking can be a delightful way to corral those family photos and memories into an exciting book. Scrapbooking can be relaxing for you as you do it, and a pleasure as you share it. Books and articles on scrapbooking for 1 child abound, but suppose you have more than 1 child. Suppose you have 7 children. Then you need a book or article on how to scrapbook for more than 1 child. You Have Scrapbooking Options Those who want to scrapbook for more than 1 child have several exciting options. 1. Make a full-blown scrapbook for each. If you have many photos and memories to preserve, this allows the most space for each child. Your scrapbooking will require more time and money, but will be a labor of love. The book’s theme will focus on that one child. Place his or her photo and name on the front, and theme every scrapbooking page to that child’s life. You will use family photos, of course, to show the place the child held in family activities. But you will want pages that focus solely on that child: baby “firsts”; first year of school; favorite hobbies; favorite toys; dreams; birthdays; awards; graduation; etc. If a photo shows two of the children together, focus your journaling on that one child’s part in the photo. How did the world look from his eyes or her eyes?...
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