How To Create Your Own Soap Making Recipe

How To Create Your Own Soap Making Recipe

Once you’ve mastered the basics of soap making, it’s fun to create your own recipes. First, you have to decide what method of soap making you’re going to make. Are you going to use the cold process method (with lye), the rebatched/handmilled method or the melt and pour method? Next, what kind of soap do you want to make? For example, prettily molded hand soap or moisturizing soap to use in the bath or shower? Are you going to superfat your soap? Superfatting is when you add additional fatty oils after saponification to make a richer, creamier soap. There are all kinds of different oils you can use in superfatting, including shea butter and cocoa butter. What color do you want your soap? What do you want your soap to smell like? What shape and size mold do you want to use? These are important questions to consider. Do you want to include additives such as oatmeal, flower petals or glitter? Once you’ve carefully crafted your own recipe and written instructions, have all the ingredients and equipment necessary, it’s time to start making your soap. Now don’t forget you have to allow time for the soap to set and cure. If you’re making cold process soap, this take two weeks. On the other hand, making soap using the melt and pour method only takes a few hours to set, even...

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How to Make Gel Candles

How to Make Gel Candles

Gel candles are a great item to make. Not only are they beautiful, but very easy to light. They also burn slowly, giving your candles a long life for you to treasure. Gel candles are very easy to make as well as inexpensive. You can add your favorite scents to them as well. The supplies you need to get started include gel, zinc wicks, fragrance oils if you desire, and dye to add color. Some people love the look of a clear gel candle and prefer not to use any dye. It is important that you only use zinc wicks for gel candles because cotton wicks absorb the gel, causing them not to light or burn well. You can purchase these supplies from a craft store or online. Gel candles can be made in a variety of holders. Using those made of glass will give you the best results. However, as long as the container is non-flammable you will be fine. To add uniqueness to gel candles, some makers choose to make them in fancy glasses, wine glasses, and vases. To add color and themes to candles, consider using embeds. This can be glitter, marbles, colorful rocks, sea shells, crystals, or anything else that won’t burn. You will need a hot glue gun to stick the wick to the bottom of the holder you plan to use. Hold firmly in place until the wick sticks. To make centering easier, mark the bottom of...

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