Not quite ready to tackle making soap: Here are some steps to get you started

Not quite ready to tackle making soap: Here are some steps to get you started

If you haven’t tried making soap yet, maybe you’re looking for a few intermediate steps that can help you along the way. Many people are afraid to take that first step into soap making because of the big cautionary notes about using lye. After all, it is a caustic chemical that can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly. What most fail to realize is that using lye is no more dangerous than using liquid drano to open a clogged drain. The same cautions apply. · Always wear rubber gloves · Use protective eyewear such as goggles · Avoid directly inhaling the fumes · Make certain to add the lye to the water, not the other way around. · Pitchers, spoons etc. should be used exclusively for soap making and never re-used for any other purpose because of possible contamination. If you’re still a bit nervous about taking that first step, perhaps you need to a gradual introduction to skin care. After all, soap is not the only product you use, and learning some of the natural alternatives to those high priced skin care products may be just the incentive you’re looking for. For instance, if you happen to be anything like me, you probably enjoy those wonderful after-bath oils that leave your skin feeling like silk. The problem is they cost a fortune. However, if...

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Soy Wax Candles and Candle Making

Soy Wax Candles and Candle Making

Candle making is an extremely popular pastime in America and abroad. Recent statistics have shown that the industry, as a whole, is currently undergoing a significant growth phase. Overall sales of candles and candle-related supplies are well over 3 billion dollars per year right now. Who would have thought that our beloved hobby would ever spawn such a profitable industry? While some companies are moving fast to capitalize on the growth of the industry many of us are content to continue doing what we love, which is simply making candles! With this article, I intend to give you the basics on how to make your own soy candles. It will, however, require some patience on your part. This is an extremely delicate process, and it will likely take a few tries before you perfect it. So here goes… The first thing you will have to do is stock up on supplies. You will need both large and small pour pitchers, some wax paper, and a quality thermometer that can withstand high temperatures. Hint: we have had great success with a candy thermometer. You will also need a good quality soy wax. Most supply stores offer it in block or flake form. In my experience, the flake form is best because it tends to melt down more consistently. You are also going to want to be sure that you have...

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