Crafting Ideas for Children Keep it Simple

Crafting Ideas for Children Keep it Simple

Kids love to do craft projects, there is no doubt about it. But I think children, especially younger children like to have their projects less structured. I totally think this is true because they can be more creative and have more fun that way. Don’t get me wrong, I come up with craft ideas for my daughter and we have a lot of fun with them, but she seems to have more fun creating her own craft ideas. A few years back I went to our local good will store and bought a ton of craft supplies for very little money. I bought beads, pipe cleaners, glitter, stickers, feathers, yarn, lace, buttons, and just a ton of crafty type stuff. I put it all in a big box with some glue and glue sticks and thus my daughters crafting box came into existence. We have since added stickers, markers, cotton balls, sequins, and other stuff we find. I bought a big tablet of thick paper and thus her “scrapbook” came into existence. She loves to get it out and create different pages of ideas and creations. She cuts pictures out of magazines and adds them to it as well. Sometimes she just makes her own craft projects out of the materials instead of doing her “scrapbooking” and she has a great time. The only drawback to her scrapbooking is sometimes she uses a lot of glue...

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Try Crafting For Your Next Hobby

Try Crafting For Your Next Hobby

Why should I or anyone for that matter get involved in crafting? Well…first things first, have you noticed how prices just keep getting higher and higher? Who can afford to give a decent gift to anyone nowadays? But…if you make the gift yourself it can be done for a fraction of the cost, not to mention the fact that everyone admires and wishes they could do the crafting themselves. Well you can! All you have to do is try. Crafting is one area that creativity itself is often inspired by necessity. And amazingly enough new crafters usually find that they fall in love with crafting. Many people start out crafting because they have no choice, they needed something to give to someone or they could not afford to buy ready made things for their own home. In the process of learning how to save money they discover this amazing person inside of themselves, this creative and talented person that they never would have believed they could be. You too can become more creative. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each and every one of us has our own concepts of what is beautiful. Each of us has hidden talents just waiting to be accessed. Once you get started you will be amazed at how quickly your mind will become flooded with ideas for things you can make. Anything you see...

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